Threefold designation of Absolute,
Is Aum,Tat & Sat.
Aum Tat Sat iti Nirdeso
Brahmana thrividha smrita
Immanence, Transcendence and Cosmicity
Characterise the Being which is triune.
Overmental Logic averrs this,
As mental logic cannot comprehend it.
Being Cosmic is Aum
Being Immanent is Tat
Being Transcendent is Sat,
Is Revealed Mystery of Trinity !
Thou Art Nature, Thou art Jivas,
There is nothing apart from Thee !
Tvam Jeeva,Tvam Pradhanam
Yadi ha bhavadride thanna kinchil Prapanche.
Refutation of charges, Agnosticism and Pantheism, against the Eternal Law
The Eternal Law has been condemned,
As Agnostic and Pantheistic.
This is far from Truth,
As we will prove with our Logic irrefutable.
Pantheism is a Doctrine which affirms,
His Immanence at expense of His Transcendence.
Eternal Law says Everything is He,
As His triune aspects are revealed in Trinity !
Agnosticism says Truth is Unknown.
The Unknown is not the Unknowable.
Other than That is the Known.
Also it is above the Unknown,saith E L.
Being is both Transcendent and Immanent
Being is both Known and Unknown.
How can you criticise a system,
Which declares everything is He?
With His septenary priciples, He manifests,
With Life, Mind, Matter, Supermind, Sat,Chit and Ananda
With these, He has filled in on His Self Existent Canvas
The myriad wonders of His magnificent Self Creation!
Creating and recreating Himself in Himself,
For the sheer Bliss of that Self Creation,
With the joy of the magician, the actor's, the Player's,
Himself, the Play, Himself, the Player, Himself the Playground.